Ciné-Ressources – Fiches personnalités

Thomas H. Ince

Producteur, Réalisateur, Superviseur de la réalisation, Scénariste, Auteur de l'oeuvre originale, Superviseur de l'animation, Interprète, Monteur, Photographe de plateau, Auteur de l'adaptation française, Responsable du layout

Etat civil
Thomas Harper Ince
Liens familiaux
A l'âge de dix-sept ans, Thomas Ince débute sur les planches du Standard Theater à New York. Il commence à jouer dans plusieurs films à partir de 1906. Engagé comme comédien à la Biograph en 1910, il devient rapidement réalisateur.
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Carrière au cinéma

Thomas Ince exerce ses talents d'organisateur sous l'égide de Carl Laemmle puis pour la compagnie Nymp. Installé à Los Angeles, il devient célèbre en dirigeant plusieurs westerns historiques, dont la Bataille de Gettysburg (1914). Il réalise une centaine de films - dont il est aussi souvent le scénariste - sous le label Bisons 101. Sa principale source d'inspiration est l'Ouest américain avec ses chercheurs d'or, comme dans Across the plains (1912), ou la guerre de Sécession. Amateur de grosses productions mettant en oeuvre beaucoup de moyens techniques, il est un des premiers cinéastes à reproduire des catastrophes naturelles : dès 1914, il filme une éruption volcanique dans The wrath of the gods. Il installe à Inceville un immense ranch qui lui servira de décor pour tourner ses fameux westerns. Il engage Francis Ford, le frère de John Ford, comme assistant en 1912. Ince se consacre essentiellement à la production et à la supervision des tournages. Il signe notamment Civilisation (1916) où il dénonce la barbarie de la guerre. Il intègre la Paramount en 1917, où il dirige une vingtaine de films dont certains en faveur de la propagande militaire (Vive la France !). En 1919, il fonde l'Associated Producers INC. avec Allan Dwan, Mack Sennett, Marshall Neilan, King Vidor et Maurice Tourneur, une maison de production indépendante. Celle-ci fusionne avec la First National en 1922 et devient quelque temps après la célèbre Warner Bros.


  • Early American cinema / by Anthony Slide. - Metuchen, N.J. ; London : The Scarecrow Press, 1994. - Revised ed..
  • The western, from silents to the seventies / George N. Fenin and William K. Everson. - New York : Grossman, 1973. - New and expanded ed..
  • Thomas H. Ince, maître du cinéma / [La Cinémathèque française ; texte et filmogr. de Jean Mitry]. - Paris : Cinémathèque française : Bulletin International de Recherches Historiques Cinématographiques

Courts métrages

en tant que : Réalisateur

1911A Biting Business Thomas H. Ince
1911A Dog's Tale Thomas H. Ince
1911A Gasoline Engagement Thomas H. Ince
1911A Manly Man Thomas H. Ince
1911Aggressor (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911An Indian Martyr Thomas H. Ince
1911Artful Kate Thomas H. Ince
1911At the Duke's Command Thomas H. Ince
1911Back to the Soil Thomas H. Ince
1911Bar Z's New Cook Thomas H. Ince
1911Behind the Stockade Thomas H. Ince
1911Behind the Times Thomas H. Ince
1911Better Way (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Brand (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911By the House That Jack Built Thomas H. Ince
1911Call of the Song (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Cowgirl's Pranks Thomas H. Ince
1911Fair Dentist (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Falsely Accused Thomas H. Ince
1911Fisher-Maid (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911For Her Brother's Sake Thomas H. Ince
1911For the Queen's Honor Thomas H. Ince
1911Forded Dispatch (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Foreman's Courage (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Getting His Man Thomas H. Ince
1911Her Darkest Hour Thomas H. Ince
1911His Dress Shirt Thomas H. Ince
1911In Old Madrid Thomas H. Ince
1911Last Appeal (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Lighthouse Keeper (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Maid or Man Thomas H. Ince
1911Master and the Man (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Message in the Bottle (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Mirror (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Penniless Prince (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Second Sight Thomas H. Ince, Joseph W. Smiley
1911Sentinel Asleep (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Skating Bug (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Stampede (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Sweet Memories Thomas H. Ince
1911Their First Misunderstanding Thomas H. Ince
1911Through the Air Thomas H. Ince
1911Toss of a Coin (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Tween Two loves Thomas H. Ince
1911Uncle's Visit Thomas H. Ince
1912A Double Reward Thomas H. Ince
1912A Soldier's Honor Thomas H. Ince
1912A Tenderfoot's Revenge Thomas H. Ince
1912A White Lie Thomas H. Ince
1912Altar of Death (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Blazing the Trail Thomas H. Ince
1912Blood Will Tell Thomas H. Ince
1912Broncho Bill's Love Affair Thomas H. Ince
1912Buffalo Hunt (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Bugle Call (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Chinese Smugglers Thomas H. Ince
1912Civilian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Colonel's Peril (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Colonel's Ward (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Deputy's Sweetheart (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Desert (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Deserter (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Empty Water Keg (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912For the Honor of the Tribe Thomas H. Ince
1912Frontier Child (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Gambler and the Girl (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Gambler's Heart (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Garrison Triangle (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Heart of an Indian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912His Double Life Thomas H. Ince
1912His Message Thomas H. Ince
1912His Nemesis Thomas H. Ince
1912His Punishment Thomas H. Ince
1912Honor of the Tribe (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Indian Maid's Elopement (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Invaders (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Kid and the Sleuth (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Last Ressource (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Laugh on Dad (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Law of the West (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Lieutenant's Last Fight (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Love and Jealousy Thomas H. Ince
1912Man They Scorned (The) Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1912On Secret Service Thomas H. Ince
1912Other Girl (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Outcast (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Penalty (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Post Telegrapher (The) Thomas H. Ince, Francis Ford
1912Prospector's Daughter (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Protection of the Cross (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Ranch Girl's Love (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Reckoning (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Reformed Outlaw (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Run on the Bank (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Sergeant's Boy (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Snowball and His Pal Thomas H. Ince
1912Sub-Chief's Choice (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Tables Turned (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Through the Flames Thomas H. Ince
1912Trinity (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912When Lee Surrenders Thomas H. Ince
1912Wild West Circus (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913A Child of War Thomas H. Ince
1913A Kentucky Romance Thomas H. Ince
1913A Shadow of the Past Thomas H. Ince
1913Boomerang (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Bread Cast Upon Waters Thomas H. Ince
1913Days of '49 Thomas H. Ince
1913Drummer of the 8th (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Hateful God (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Iconoclast (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913In Love and War Allan Dwan, Thomas H. Ince
1913Mosaic Law (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Pride of the South (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Sea Dog (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Soul of the South (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914A Confidence Game William Clifford, Thomas H. Ince
1914Death Mask (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914Hour of Reckoning (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914Power of the Angelus (The) William Clifford, Thomas H. Ince
1914Stacked Cards Thomas H. Ince, Scott Sidney
1914Star of the North (The) Jay Hunt, Thomas H. Ince
1914Toast of Death (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914Village Neath the Sea (The) Jay Hunt, Thomas H. Ince
1915Cup of Life (The) Raymond B. West, Thomas H. Ince
1915Devil (The) Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince

en tant que : Superviseur de la réalisation

1915 Beckoning Flame (The) Charles Swickard
1915 Matrimony Scott Sidney
1916 A Corner in Colleens Charles Miller
1916 A Gamble in Souls Walter Edwards
1916 Eye of the Night Walter Edwards
1916 Female of the Species (The) Raymond B. West
1917 Desert Man (The)
La Cité du désespoir
William S. Hart
1917 Wild Winship's Widow Charles Miller
1918 Unfaithful Charles Miller

en tant que : Scénariste

1911Bar Z's New Cook Thomas H. Ince
1911For the Queen's Honor Thomas H. Ince
1911Forded Dispatch (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Mirror (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Stampede (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911Sweet Memories Thomas H. Ince
1912Army Surgeon (The) Francis Ford
1912Deserter (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Heart of an Indian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Outcast (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Curse (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Past Redemption Burton L. King
1914Desert Gold Scott Sidney
1914Fortunes of War (The) Jay Hunt
1914Gringo (The) William S. Hart
1914In the Cow Country Raymond B. West
1914In the Land of the Otter Walter Edwards
1914In the Sage Brush Country William S. Hart
1914Mills of the Gods (The) Jay Hunt
1914Out of the Night Walter Edwards
1914Rightful Heir (The) Raymond B. West
1914Shorty Escapes Marriage Richard Stanton
1914Voice at the Telephone (The) Charles Giblyn
1914Word of His People Jay Hunt
1915Bad Buck of Santa Ynez William S. Hart
1915Cash Parrish's Pal William S. Hart
1915Cross of Fire (The) Walter Edwards
1915Cup of Life (The) Raymond B. West, Thomas H. Ince
1915Devil (The) Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1915Hammer (The) Richard Stanton
1915Keno Bates, Liar William S. Hart
1915 Knight of the Trails William S. Hart
1915Reward (The) Reginald Barker
1915Roughneck (The) William S. Hart
1915Ruse (The) William H. Clifford, William S. Hart
1915Scourge of the Desert (The) William S. Hart
1915Secret of Lost River (The) Jay Hunt
1915Taking of Luke McVane = The Fugitive (The)
La Capture de Rio Jim
William S. Hart
1915Winning Back Reginald Barker

en tant que : Auteur de l'oeuvre originale

1914An Eleventh Hour Reformation Walter Edwards
1914City (The) Raymond B. West
1914In the Sage Brush Country William S. Hart
1914Stacked Cards Thomas H. Ince, Scott Sidney
1914Winning of Denise (The) Walter Edwards
1914Wolves of the Underworld Jay Hunt
1914Worth of a Life (The) Scott Sidney
1915Conversion of Frosty Blake (The) William S. Hart
1915Living Wage (The) Richard Stanton
1915Taking of Luke McVane = The Fugitive (The)
La Capture de Rio Jim
William S. Hart
1915Tolls of Providence William S. Hart

en tant que : Producteur

1911Bar Z's New Cook Thomas H. Ince
1911Lover's Signal (The) Joseph W. Smiley
1912A True Believer Burton L. King
1912Altar of Death (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912An Old Tune Francis Ford
1912Army Surgeon (The) Francis Ford
1912Ball Player and the Bandit (THe) Francis Ford
1912Bandit's Gratitude (The) Francis Ford
1912Blood Will Tell Thomas H. Ince
1912Civilian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Dead Pay (The) Francis Ford
1912Doctor's Double (The) Fred J. Balshofer
1912For the Cause Francis Ford
1912For the Honor of the Seventh Reginald Barker
1912Fugitive (The) Francis Ford
1912Heart of an Indian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Hidden Trail (The) Francis Ford
1912His Better Self Fred J. Balshofer, Francis Ford
1912His Sense of Duty Reginald Barker
1912His Squaw Charles Giblyn
1912How Shorty Kept His Word Francis Ford
1912Invaders (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Law of the West (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Mary of the Mines Francis Ford
1912On Secret Service Thomas H. Ince
1912On the Firing Line Francis Ford
1912On the Warpath Reginald Barker
1912Penalty (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Prospector's Daughter (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Reckoning (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Sheriff's Adopted Child (The) Frank Montgomery
1912Sundered Ties Francis Ford
1912When Lee Surrenders Thomas H. Ince
1913A Black Conspiracy Charles Giblyn
1913A Bluegrass Romance Charles Giblyn
1913A Child of War Thomas H. Ince
1913A Cow-town Reformation Francis Ford
1913A Dixie Mother Jay Hunt
1913A Frontier Wife Francis Ford
1913A Highland Romance Raymond B. West
1913A Kentucky Romance Thomas H. Ince
1913A Shadow of the Past Thomas H. Ince
1913A Slave's Devotion Charles Giblyn
1913A Southern Cinderella Burton L. King
1913A Wartime Mother's Sacrifice Burton L. King
1913A Woman's Wit Reginald Barker
1913All Rivers Meet at Sea Burton L. King
1913An Indian's Gratitude Frank Montgomery
1913An Indian's Honor Jack Conway, Frank Montgomery
1913An Orphan of War Francis Ford
1913Banshee (The) Raymond B. West
1913Banzai Charles Giblyn
1913Barrier (The) William J. Bauman
1913Belle of Yorktown (The) Francis Ford
1913Black Sheep (The) Raymond B. West
1913Bondsman (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Boomerang (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Borrowed Gold Reginald Barker
1913Bread Cast Upon Waters Thomas H. Ince
1913Broken Thread (The) Jay Hunt
1913Bully (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Buried Past (The) Reginald Barker
1913Burning Brand (The) Francis Ford
1913Claim Jumper (The) Burton L. King
1913Counterfeiter (The) Raymond B. West
1913Crimson Stain (The) Jay Hunt
1913Curse (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Days of '49 Thomas H. Ince
1913Devotion Jay Hunt
1913Divorce Raymond B. West
1913Drummer of the 8th (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Efficacy of Prayer (The) Burton L. King
1913Eileen of Erin Raymond B. West
1913Exoneration Charles Giblyn
1913Failure of Success (The) Burton L. King
1913Favorite Son (The) Francis Ford
1913Filly (The) Raymond B. West
1913flame in the ashes (The) Frank Morty
1913Flotsam Raymond B. West
1913For Love of the Flag Burton L. King
1913For Mother's Sake Burton L. King
1913Forgotten Melody (The) Burton L. King
1913Forlorn Hope (The) Jay Hunt
1913Frame-up (The) Reginald Barker
1913From Out the Storm Burton L. King
1913Gambler's Pal (The) Burton L. King
1913Ghost (The) Raymond B. West
1913God of Chance Charles Giblyn
1913Granddad Jay Hunt
1913Great Sacrifice (The) Raymond B. West
1913Green Shadow (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Greenhorn (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Grey Sentinel (The) Burton L. King
1913Harvest of Sin (The) Walter Edwards
1913Hateful God (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Heart of Kathleen (The) Raymond B. West
1913Heart Throbs Burton L. King
1913Her Father's Story Charles Giblyn
1913Her legacy Fred J. Balshofer
1913Heritage of Eve (The) Jay Hunt
1913Iconoclast (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Impostor (The) Burton L. King
1913In Love and War Allan Dwan, Thomas H. Ince
1913In the Ranks Francis Ford
1913Joe Hibbard's Claim Jay Hunt
1913Judge's Son (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Land of Dead Things (The) Burton L. King
1913Little Turncoat (The) Francis Ford
1913Loaded Dice Burton L. King
1913Long Portage (The) Jack Conway, Frank Montgomery
1913Lost Dispatch (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Lure of the Violin William J. Bauman
1913Madcap (The) Burton L. King
1913Maelstrom (The) Burton L. King
1913Miling Dan Francis Ford
1913Miser (The) Burton L. King
1913Mosaic Law (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Old Mammy's Secret Code Charles Giblyn
1913On Fortune's Wheel Charles Giblyn
1913Open Door (The) Edward Barker
1913Past Redemption Burton L. King
1913Paymaster's Son (The) Francis Ford
1913Pitfall (The) Reginald Barker
1913Pride of the South (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Primitive Call (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Reaping (The) Burton L. King
1913Reformation (The) Burton L. King
1913Revelation (The) Fred J. Balshofer
1913Romance of Erin Reginald Barker
1913Sea Dog (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Seal of Silence (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Sharpshooter (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Sign of the Snake (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Silent Heroes Walter Edwards, Jay Hunt
1913Sinews of War (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Sins of the Father (The) William J. Bauman
1913Smiling Dan Francis Ford
1913Soul of the South (The) Thomas H. Ince
1913Telltale Hatband (The) Francis Ford
1913Texas Belly at Bay Francis Ford
1913Transgressor (The) Charles Giblyn
1913True Irish Hearts Raymond B. West
1913Veteran (The) Jay Hunt
1913Waif (The) Raymond B. West
1913War Correspondent (The) Jay Hunt
1913Way of a Mother (The) Charles Giblyn
1913When Life Fades Francis Ford
1913When Lincoln Paid Francis Ford
1913Widow Maloney's Faith Raymond B. West
1913Will o' the Wisp Francis Ford
1913Witch of Salem (The) Raymond B. West
1913With Lee In Virginia William J. Bauman
1913Woman (The) Charles Giblyn
1914A Barrier Royal Raymond B. West
1914A Case of Poison Scott Sidney
1914A Common Mistake Jay Hunt
1914A Crook's Sweetheart Scott Sidney
1914A Flower in the Desert Scott Sidney
1914A Frontier Mother Jay Hunt
1914A Military Judas Jay Hunt
1914A New England Idyl Walter Edwards
1914A Political Feud Richard Stanton
1914A Relic of Old Japan Reginald Barker
1914A Romance of Old Holland Jay Hunt
1914A Romance of the Sawdust Ring Raymond B. West
1914A Romance of the Sea Walter Edwards
1914A Tale of the Nortwest Mounted Walter Edwards
1914A Tragedy of the North Woods Walter Edwards
1914A Tragedy of the Orient Reginald Barker
1914Adventures of Shorty (The) Scott Sidney, Francis Ford
1914Ambassador's Envoy (The) Reginald Barker
1914An Eleventh Hour Reformation Walter Edwards
1914Arrow Maker's Daughter (The) Jay Hunt
1914Bells of Austi (The) Raymond B. West
1914Boss of the 8th (The) Walter Edwards
1914Breed o' the North Walter Edwards
1914Captain Junior Jay Hunt
1914Card Sharps (The) Scott Sidney
1914Circle of Fate (The) Raymond B. West
1914City (The) Raymond B. West
1914City of Darkness (The) Reginald Barker
1914Colonel's Adopted Daughter (The) Walter Edwards
1914Colonel's Orderly (The) Jay Hunt
1914Courtship of O'San (The) Charles Miller
1914Cross in the Desert (The) Walter Edwards
1914Cruise of the Molly Ann (The) Walter Edwards
1914Cure (The) Raymond B. West
1914Curse of Castle (The) Reginald Barker
1914Curse of Humanity (The) Scott Sidney
1914Death Mask (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914Desert Gold Scott Sidney
1914Desert Thieves Scott Sidney
1914Desperado (The) Gilbert P. Hamilton
1914Destiny's Night Walter Edwards
1914Embezzler (The) George Osborne
1914End of the Galley (The) Richard Stanton
1914Eric the Red's Wooing Raymond B. West
1914Feud at Beaver Creek (The) George Osborne
1914Final Reckoning (The) Walter Edwards
1914Fires of Ambition (The) Jay Hunt
1914For Her Brother's Sake Jay Hunt
1914For the Wearing of the Green Raymond B. West
1914Forest Vampires (The) Walter Edwards
1914Fortunes of War (The) Jay Hunt
1914Freckles Scott Sidney
1914Friend (The) Scott Sidney
1914From Out of the Dregs Scott Sidney
1914Game Keeper's Daughter (The) George Osborne
1914Gangsters and the Girl (The) Scott Sidney
1914Geisha (The) Reginald Barker
1914Golden Goose (The) Raymond B. West
1914Gringo (The) William S. Hart
1914Harp of Tara (The) Raymond B. West
1914Heart of a Crook (The) Raymond B. West
1914Heart of a Woman Charles Giblyn
1914His Hour of Manhood Thomas Chatterton
1914Hour of Reckoning (The) Thomas H. Ince
1914In Old Italy Walter Edwards
1914In the Clutches of the Gangsters Richard Stanton
1914In the Cow Country Raymond B. West
1914In the Days of the Padres Walter Edwards
1914In the Land of the Otter Walter Edwards
1914In the Southern Hills George Osborne
1914In the Warden's Garden Charles Swickard
1914Informer (The) Raymond B. West
1914Jim Cameron's Wife Thomas Chatterton
1914Jim Reagan's Last Raid Richard Stanton
1914Jimmy Scott Sidney
1914Last of the Line (The) Jay Hunt
1914Love vs Duty Walter Edwards
1914Love's Sacrifice George Osborne
1914Man Who Died (The) Walter Edwards
1914Mario Raymond B. West
1914Master of the House Richard Stanton
1914Mildred's Doll George Osborne
1914Mills of the Gods (The) Jay Hunt
1914Molly of the Mountains Charles Swickard
1914Mother of the Shadows George Osborne
1914Narcotic Spectre (The) Scott Sidney
1914Nipped George Osborne
1914No Account Smith's Baby Richard Stanton
1914North of 53 Jay Hunt
1914Not of the Flock Scott Sidney
1914O Mimi San Charles Miller
1914Old Loves's Best (The) Scott Sidney
1914One of the Discarded Jay Hunt
1914Out of the Night Walter Edwards
1914Panther (The) Walter Edwards
1914Parson Larkin's Wife Scott Sidney
1914Path of Genius (The) Raymond B. West
1914Play's the Thing (The) Scott Sidney
1914Power of the Angelus (The) William Clifford, Thomas H. Ince
1914Prince Charles Giblyn
1914Raiders (The) Jay Hunt
1914Relic (The) Walter Edwards
1914Repaid Walter Edwards
1914Right to Die (The) Raymond B. West
1914Rightful Heir (The) Raymond B. West
1914Romance of Sunshine Alley Scott Sidney
1914Secret Lode (The) Walter Edwards
1914Sheriff at Muscatine (The) Richard Stanton
1914Sheriff's Sister (The) Richard Stanton
1914Shorty and Sherlock Holmes Jay Hunt
1914Shorty and the Fortune Teller Thomas Chatterton
1914Shorty Escapes Marriage Richard Stanton
1914Shorty Falls into a Title Raymond B. West
1914Shorty Gets Into Trouble Richard Stanton
1914Shorty's Sacrifice Scott Sidney
1914Shorty's Strategy Francis Ford
1914Shorty's Trip to Mexico Jay Hunt
1914Silent Messenger (The) Charles Giblyn
1914Silent Witness (The) Charles Giblyn
1914Silver Bell (The) Raymond B. West
1914Silver Candlesticks (The) George Osborne
1914Social Ghost (The) George Osborne
1914Spark Eternal (The) Scott Sidney
1914Squire's Son (The) Raymond B. West
1914Stacked Cards Thomas H. Ince, Scott Sidney
1914Stigma (The) Walter Edwards
1914Substitute (The) Raymond B. West
1914Tennesse Jay Hunt
1914Test of Flame George Osborne
1914Thieves Charles Giblyn
1914Thunderbolt (The) Scott Sidney
1914Trap (The) Charles Giblyn
1914Two-Gun Hicks William S. Hart
1914Typhoon (The) Reginald Barker
1914Vigil (The) George Osborne
1914Village Neath the Sea (The) Jay Hunt, Thomas H. Ince
1914Voice at the Telephone (The) Charles Giblyn
1914Wharf Rats (The) Scott Sidney
1914When America Was Young Jay Hunt
1914Whiskey Runners (The) Walter Edwards
1914Wolves of the Underworld Jay Hunt
1914Word of His People Jay Hunt
1914Worth of a Life (The) Scott Sidney
1914Yellow Flame Charles Giblyn
1915A Lucky Blowout Scott Sidney
1915A Midas of the Desert Walter Edwards
1915A Modern Noble Jay Hunt
1915A Piece of Amber Charles Swickard
1915Ace of Hearts (The) Walter Edwards
1915Alien (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Artist's Model (The) Richard V. Spencer
1915Bad Buck of Santa Ynez William S. Hart
1915 Beckoning Flame (The) Charles Swickard
1915Bottomless Pit (The) Scott Sidney
1915Bride of Guadeloupe (The) Walter Edwards
1915Burglar's Baby (The) Walter Edwards
1915Cash Parrish's Pal William S. Hart
1915Chinatown Mystery (The) Reginald Barker
1915College Days Scott Sidney
1915Conversion of Frosty Blake (The) William S. Hart
1915Cross of Fire (The) Walter Edwards
1915Cup of Life (The) Raymond B. West, Thomas H. Ince
1915Darkening Trail (The) William S. Hart
1915Deadly Spark (The) Scott Sidney
1915Devil (The) Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1915Disillusionment of Jane (The) Jay Hunt
1915Face on the Ceiling (The) Walter Edwards
1915Failure (The) Christy Cabanne
1915Fakir (The) Walter Edwards
1915Famine (The) Reginald Barker
1915Floating Death (The) Richard Stanton
1915Forbidden Adventure = City of the Dead (The) Charles Swickard
1915Girl from the East (The) Richard Stanton
1915Girl Who Might Have Been (The) Raymond B. West
1915Golden Trail (The) Richard Stanton
1915Grudge (The) William S. Hart
1915Hammer (The) Richard Stanton
1915Heart of Jabes Flint (The) Jay Hunt
1915Hearts and Swords Jay Hunt
1915Her Alibi Jay Hunt
1915Her Easter Hat Jay Hunt
1915His Brother's Keeper Jay Hunt
1915His Mother's Portrait Howard Hickman
1915His Superficial Wife Walter Edwards
1915Hostage of the North Walter Edwards
1915Human Octopus (The) Walter Edwards
1915In the Switch Tower Walter Edwards
1915In the Tennessee Hills James Vincent
1915Keno Bates, Liar William S. Hart
1915kite (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915 Knight of the Trails William S. Hart
1915Lighthouse Keeper's Son (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915Living Wage (The) Richard Stanton
1915Man at the Key (The) Richard Stanton
1915Man from Nowhere (The) William S. Hart
1915Man from Oregon (The) Reginald Barker, Walter Edwards
1915Man Who Went Out (The) Jay Hunt
1915 Matrimony Scott Sidney
1915Mill by the Zuyder Zee (The) Jay Hunt
1915Mother Hulda Raymond B. West
1915Mr. Silent Haskins William S. Hart
1915 Never Again Scott Sidney
1915On the High Seas Richard Stanton
1915One Hundred Thousand Dollar Bill Walter Edwards
1915Operator at Big Sandy (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915Over Secret Wires Thomas Chatterton
1915Phantom Extra (The) Richard Stanton
1915Phantom of the Heart (The) Jay Hunt
1915Play of the season (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915Power of the Street (The) Walter Edwards
1915Promoter (The) Walter Edwards
1915Renegade (The) Charles Swickard
1915Reward (The) Reginald Barker
1915Riddle of Wooden Leg (The) Raymond B. West
1915Roughneck (The) William S. Hart
1915Rumpelstiltskin Raymond B. West
1915Ruse (The) William H. Clifford, William S. Hart
1915Satan McAllister's Heir Walter Edwards
1915Scales of Justice Walter Edwards
1915Scourge of the Desert (The) William S. Hart
1915Scrub (The) Scott Sidney
1915Sea Ghost (The) Richard Stanton
1915Secret of Lost River (The) Jay Hunt
1915Secret of the Dead (The) Walter Edwards
1915Sergeant Jim's Horse Richard Stanton
1915Shasowgraph Message (The) Walter Edwards
1915Sheriff's Streak of Yellow (The) William S. Hart
1915Shoal Light (The) Scott Sidney
1915Shorty Among the Cannibals Scott Sidney
1915Shorty Inherits a Harem Charles Swickard
1915Shorty Turns Actor Jay Hunt
1915Shorty's Ranch Scott Sidney
1915Shorty's Secret Richard Stanton
1915Shorty's Trouble Sleep Jay Hunt
1915Sons of Toil (The) Richard Stanton
1915Soul of Phyra (The) Charles Swickard
1915Spark from the Embers (The) Jay Hunt
1915Spirit of the Bell (The) Jay Hunt
1915Still on Sunset Mountain (The) Charles Swickard
1915Strike at Centipede Mine (The) Richard Stanton
1915Taking of Luke McVane = The Fugitive (The)
La Capture de Rio Jim
William S. Hart
1915Tavern Keeper's Son (The) Jay Hunt
1915Tide of Fortune (The) Jay Hunt
1915Tolls of Providence William S. Hart
1915Tricked Thomas Chatterton
1915Valley of Hate (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915Wells of paradise (The) Thomas Chatterton
1915When love leads Howard Hickman
1915When the tide came in Thomas Chatterton
1915Winged Messenger (The) Richard Stanton
1915Winning Back Reginald Barker
1916 A Corner in Colleens Charles Miller
1916 A Gamble in Souls Walter Edwards
1916 Eye of the Night Walter Edwards
1916 Female of the Species (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Willie's Wobbly Ways Scott Sidney
1917 Desert Man (The)
La Cité du désespoir
William S. Hart
1917 Wild Winship's Widow Charles Miller
1918A Nine O'clock Town Victor Schertzinger
1918 Marriage Bubble (The) Walter Edwards
1918 Unfaithful Charles Miller
1919Homebreaker (The) Victor Schertzinger
1920A Tour of the Thomas Ince Studio Hunt Stromberg
1920Rookie's Return (The) Jack Nelson

en tant que : Monteur

1915Reward (The) Reginald Barker

en tant que : Responsable du layout

1915Alien (The) Reginald Barker

en tant que : Interprète

1908Richard III J. Stuart Blackton, William V. Ranous
1909Cardinal's Conspiracy (The) D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1910Englishman and the Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1910His New Lid Frank Powell
1911Their First Misunderstanding Thomas H. Ince
1920A Tour of the Thomas Ince Studio Hunt Stromberg

Longs métrages

en tant que : Réalisateur

1911In the Sutan's Garden Thomas H. Ince
1911Little Nell's Tobacco Thomas H. Ince
1911Portrait (The) Thomas H. Ince
1911When the Cat's Away Thomas H. Ince
1912Battle of the Red Men (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Colonel's Son (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912Crisis (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912War on the Plains Thomas H. Ince
1913Soldier's Honor (The)
Pour l'honneur
Thomas H. Ince
1914Battle of Gettysburg (The) Thomas H. Ince, Charles Giblyn
1915 Coward (The)
Un lâche
Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1915Italian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1916Civilization Thomas H. Ince, Reginald Barker
1916 Dividend (The)
Richesse maudite
Walter Edwards, Thomas H. Ince
1916Paid with Death Thomas H. Ince
1925Custer's Last Fight Thomas H. Ince

en tant que : Superviseur de la réalisation

1915 Aloha Oe Richard Stanton, Charles Swickard, Gilbert P. Hamilton
1915 Aryan (The)
Pour sauver sa race
William S. Hart
1915 Between Men
Les Loups
William S. Hart
1915 Conqueror (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Coward (The)
Un lâche
Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1915 Despoiler (The)
Reginald Barker
1915 Disciple (The) William S. Hart
1915 Edge of the Abyss (The) Walter Edwards
1915 Golden Claw (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Hell's Hinges William S. Hart, Charles Swickard
1915 Honor's Altar Walter Edwards
1915 Iron Strain (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Last Act (The) Walter Edwards
1915 No-good Guy (The) Walter Edwards
1915 Not My Sister Charles Giblyn
1915On the Night Stage Reginald Barker
1915 Primal Lure (The)
La Contrition de Rio Jim
William S. Hart
1915 Waifs (The) Scott Sidney
1915 Winged Idol (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Apostle of Vengeance (The) William S. Hart
1916 Beggar of Cawnpore (The) Charles Swickard
1916 Bride of Hate (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Bugle Call (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Bullets and Brown Eyes Scott Sidney
1916 Captive God (The)
Le Dieu captif
Charles Swickard
1916 Civilization's Child Charles Giblyn
1916 Corner (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Criminal (The) Reginald Barker
1916 D'Artagnan Charles Swickard
1916 Dawn Maker (The) William S. Hart
1916 Deserter (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Devil's Double (The) William S. Hart
1916 Green Swamp (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Gun Fighter (The) William S. Hart
1916 Hater of Men (The) Charles Miller
1916 Home Raymond B. West
1916 Honor Thy Name Charles Giblyn
1916 Honorable Algy (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Jim Grimsby's Boy Reginald Barker
1916 Jungle Child (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Last of the Ingrams (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Lieutenant Danny, U.S.A Walter Edwards
1916 Market of Vain Desire (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Moral Fabric (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Patriot (The) William S. Hart
1916 Payment (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Peggy Charles Giblyn
1916 Phantom (The)
La Beauté fugitive
Charles Giblyn
1916 Plain Jane
La Petite servante
Charles Miller
1916 Raiders (The) Charles Swickard
1916 Return of Draw Egan (The) William S. Hart
1916 Shell Forty-three Reginald Barker
1916 Sin Ye Do (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Somewhere in France Charles Giblyn
1916 Sorrows of Love (The) Charles Giblyn
1916 Square Deal Man (The) William S. Hart
1916 Stepping Stone (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Thoroughbred (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Three of Many Reginald Barker
1916 Truthful Tulliver William S. Hart
1916 Vagabond Prince (The) Charles Giblyn
1916 Weaker Sex (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Wolf Woman (The)
Tourmente d'amour
Raymond B. West
1917 A Strange Transgressor Reginald Barker
1917 Back of the Man Reginald Barker
1917 Bawbs o' the Blue Ridge Charles Miller
1917 Blood Will Tell Charles Miller
1917 Borrowed Plumage Raymond B. West
1917 Chicken Casey Raymond B. West
1917 Clodhopper (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Crab (The)
Le Bourru
Walter Edwards
1917 Dark Road (The) Charles Miller
1917 Flame of the Yukon (The) Charles Miller
1917 Girl Glory (The) Roy William Neill
1917 Iced Bullet (The) Gilbert P. Hamilton
1917 Little Brother (The) Charles Miller
1917 Love or Justice Walter Edwards
1917 Madcap Madge Raymond B. West
1917 Millionaire Vagrant (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Paddy O'Hara Walter Edwards
1917 Paws of the Bear Reginald Barker
1917 Princess of the Dark Charles Miller
1917 Sawdust Ring (The) Charles Miller, Paul Powell
1917 Seeking Happiness Reginald Barker
1917 Snarl (The)
Une comédienne, une femme
Raymond B. West
1917 Sweetheart of the Doomed Reginald Barker
1917 Time Locks and Diamonds Walter Edwards
1917 Wolf Lowry
La Vengeance de Jim
William S. Hart
1918 Cast-off (The) Raymond B. West
1919John Petticoats
L'Enfer des villes
Lambert Hillyer

en tant que : Scénariste

1911Little Nell's Tobacco Thomas H. Ince
1912Battle of the Red Men (The) Thomas H. Ince
1912War on the Plains Thomas H. Ince
1914Bargain (The) Reginald Barker
1914Battle of Gettysburg (The) Thomas H. Ince, Charles Giblyn
1914Wrath of the Gods (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Aloha Oe Richard Stanton, Charles Swickard, Gilbert P. Hamilton
1915 Between Men
Les Loups
William S. Hart
1915 Coward (The)
Un lâche
Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince
1915 Despoiler (The)
Reginald Barker
1915 Disciple (The) William S. Hart
1915 Honor's Altar Walter Edwards
1915Italian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1915 Last Act (The) Walter Edwards
1915On the Night Stage Reginald Barker
1915 Waifs (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Bullets and Brown Eyes Scott Sidney
1916 Deserter (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Stepping Stone (The) Reginald Barker
1917 They're Off Roy William Neill
1918Family Skeleton (The) Victor Schertzinger, Jerome Storm

en tant que : Auteur de l'oeuvre originale

1915 Despoiler (The)
Reginald Barker
1915Italian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1917 Ashes of Hope Walter Edwards
1935Mills of the gods (The) Roy William Neill

en tant que : Auteur de l'adaptation française

1915 Disciple (The) William S. Hart

en tant que : Producteur

1912An Indian Legend Charles Giblyn
1913Judgement (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Red Mask (The) Charles Giblyn
1913Wheels of Destiny (The) Francis Ford
1914Bargain (The) Reginald Barker
1914Battle of Gettysburg (The) Thomas H. Ince, Charles Giblyn
1914Long Feud (The) George Osborne
1914Robbery at Pine River (The) Walter Edwards
1914Shorty and the Aridville Terror Richard Stanton
1914Wrath of the Gods (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Aloha Oe Richard Stanton, Charles Swickard, Gilbert P. Hamilton
1915 Aryan (The)
Pour sauver sa race
William S. Hart
1915 Between Men
Les Loups
William S. Hart
1915 Conqueror (The) Reginald Barker
1915 Despoiler (The)
Reginald Barker
1915 Disciple (The) William S. Hart
1915 Hell's Hinges William S. Hart, Charles Swickard
1915 Honor's Altar Walter Edwards
1915Italian (The) Thomas H. Ince
1915 Last Act (The) Walter Edwards
1915 No-good Guy (The) Walter Edwards
1915 Not My Sister Charles Giblyn
1915On the Night Stage Reginald Barker
1915Pinto Ben
Le Poney de Rio-Jim
William S. Hart
1915 Primal Lure (The)
La Contrition de Rio Jim
William S. Hart
1915 Waifs (The) Scott Sidney
1915 Winged Idol (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Apostle of Vengeance (The) William S. Hart
1916 Beggar of Cawnpore (The) Charles Swickard
1916 Bride of Hate (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Bugle Call (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Bullets and Brown Eyes Scott Sidney
1916 Captive God (The)
Le Dieu captif
Charles Swickard
1916Civilization Thomas H. Ince, Reginald Barker
1916 Civilization's Child Charles Giblyn
1916 Corner (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Criminal (The) Reginald Barker
1916 D'Artagnan Charles Swickard
1916 Dawn Maker (The) William S. Hart
1916 Deserter (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Devil's Double (The) William S. Hart
1916 Dividend (The)
Richesse maudite
Walter Edwards, Thomas H. Ince
1916 Green Swamp (The) Scott Sidney
1916 Gun Fighter (The) William S. Hart
1916 Hater of Men (The) Charles Miller
1916 Home Raymond B. West
1916 Honor Thy Name Charles Giblyn
1916 Honorable Algy (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Jim Grimsby's Boy Reginald Barker
1916 Jungle Child (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Last of the Ingrams (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Lieutenant Danny, U.S.A Walter Edwards
1916 Market of Vain Desire (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Moral Fabric (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Patriot (The) William S. Hart
1916 Peggy Charles Giblyn
1916 Phantom (The)
La Beauté fugitive
Charles Giblyn
1916 Plain Jane
La Petite servante
Charles Miller
1916 Raiders (The) Charles Swickard
1916 Return of Draw Egan (The) William S. Hart
1916 Shell Forty-three Reginald Barker
1916 Sin Ye Do (The) Walter Edwards
1916 Somewhere in France Charles Giblyn
1916 Sorrows of Love (The) Charles Giblyn
1916 Square Deal Man (The) William S. Hart
1916 Stepping Stone (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Thoroughbred (The) Reginald Barker
1916 Three of Many Reginald Barker
1916 Truthful Tulliver William S. Hart
1916 Vagabond Prince (The) Charles Giblyn
1916 Weaker Sex (The) Raymond B. West
1916 Wolf Woman (The)
Tourmente d'amour
Raymond B. West
1917 Back of the Man Reginald Barker
1917 Bawbs o' the Blue Ridge Charles Miller
1917 Blood Will Tell Charles Miller
1917 Chicken Casey Raymond B. West
1917 Clodhopper (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Cold Deck (The)
Grand frère
William S. Hart
1917 Crab (The)
Le Bourru
Walter Edwards
1917 Dark Road (The) Charles Miller
1917 Flame of the Yukon (The) Charles Miller
1917Free and equal Roy William Neill
1917 Girl Glory (The) Roy William Neill
1917 Gown of destiny (The) Lynn F. Reynolds
1917Happiness Reginald Barker
1917 Iced Bullet (The) Gilbert P. Hamilton
1917 Learnin' of Jim Benton Clifford Smith
1917 Little Brother (The) Charles Miller
1917 Love Letters R. William Neill
1917 Love or Justice Walter Edwards
1917 Madcap Madge Raymond B. West
1917 Millionaire Vagrant (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Narrow Trail (The)
La Révélation
Lambert Hillyer, William S. Hart
1917 Paddy O'Hara Walter Edwards
1917 Paws of the Bear Reginald Barker
1917 Pinch Hitter (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Princess of the Dark Charles Miller
1917 Sawdust Ring (The) Charles Miller, Paul Powell
1917 Snarl (The)
Une comédienne, une femme
Raymond B. West
1917Son of His Father (The) Victor Schertzinger
1917 Sudden Jim
Jim le vif
Victor Schertzinger
1917 Sweetheart of the Doomed Reginald Barker
1917 Time Locks and Diamonds Walter Edwards
1917 Wolf Lowry
La Vengeance de Jim
William S. Hart
1918Blue Blazes Rawden
L'Homme aux yeux clairs
William S. Hart
1918Border Wireless (The) William S. Hart
1918Branding Broadway William S. Hart
1918Fuss and Feathers Fred Niblo
1918Giggest Show on Earth (The) Jerome Storm
1918Kaiser's Shadow (The) Roy William Neill
1918Lion of the Hills (The) Lambert Hillyer
1918Mating of Marcella (The) Roy William Neill
1918Midnight Patrol (The) Irvin Willat
1918Riddle Gawne
Le Vengeur
Lambert Hillyer, William S. Hart
1918Selfish Yates William S. Hart
1918Shark Monroe William S. Hart
1918String Bean's Victor Schertzinger
1918Those Who Paye
Celle qui paie
Raymond B. West
1918Tiger Man (The)
Le Tigre humain
William S. Hart
1918Vamp (The) Jerome Storm
1918When Do We Eat ? Fred Niblo
191923 1/2 Hours' Leave Henry King
1919Behind the Door Irvin Willat
1919Breed of Men
Le Shériff Carmody
Lambert Hillyer, William S. Hart
1919Egg Crate Wallop (The) Jerome Storm
1919Hard Boiled Victor Schertzinger
1919Haunted Bedroom (The) Fred Niblo
1919Hay Foot, Straw Foot Jerome Storm
1919Lady of Red Butte (The) Victor Schertzinger
1919Market of Souls (The) Joseph De Grasse
1919Poppy Girl's Husband (The) William S. Hart
1919Sheriff's Son (The) Victor Schertzinger
1919Stepping Out Fred Niblo
1919Wagon Tracks
La Caravane
Lambert Hillyer
1920An Old Fashioned Boy Jerome Storm
1920Black Is White Charles Giblyn
1920Dangerous Hours Fred Niblo
1920Hairpins Fred Niblo
1920Homespun Folks John Griffith Wray
1920Leopard Man (The) Wesley Ruggles
1920Let's Be Fashionable Lloyd Ingraham
1920Mary's Ankle Lloyd Ingraham
1920Silk Hosiery Fred Niblo
1921Beau Revel John Griffith Wray
1921Chickens Jack Nelson
1921Cup of Life (The) Rowland V. Lee
1921Hail the Woman
Respectez la femme
John Griffith Wray
1921Home Stretch (The) Jack Nelson
1921Lying Lips John Griffith Wray
1921Mother o' Mine Fred Niblo
1922Hottentot (The) James W. Horne
1922 Lorna Doone Maurice Tourneur
1923Anna Christie John Griffith Wray
1923Soul of the Beast John Griffith Wray
1924Those Who Dance Lambert Hillyer
1925Percy Roy William Neill

en tant que : Monteur

1916Civilization Thomas H. Ince, Reginald Barker

en tant que : Photographe de plateau

1916 Payment (The) Raymond B. West

en tant que : Interprète

1916Civilization Thomas H. Ince, Reginald Barker