D.W. Griffith
Réalisateur, Scénariste, Adaptateur, Auteur de l'oeuvre originale, Producteur, Superviseur de la réalisation, Compositeur de la musique originale, Interprète, Directeur de la photographie, Monteur

22 janvier 1875 à Floyds Fork (Kentucky, Etats-Unis)
Etat civil
David Llewelyn Wark Griffith
23 juillet 1948 à Hollywood (Calirfornie, Etats-Unis)
Liens familiaux
David Wark Griffith épouse en premières noces l'actrice américaine Linda Lee Arvidson.


Critique dramatique, figurant pour différentes petites troupes de Louisville (Kentucky), David Wark Griffith signe en 1907 une pièce autobiographique en cinq actes : A fool and a girl. Remarqué par le producteur Hughes S. Porter, il est engagé par la société Edison Manufacturing pour tourner dans des films mélodramatiques.

Carrière au cinéma

Pionnier du cinéma mondial, maître des réalisateurs Erich Von Stroheim et Raoul Walsh, David Wark Griffith fit tourner les premières stars du Septième Art : Lillian Gish, Mary Pickford, Mae Marsh, Mack Sennett, Lionel Barrymore ou encore Douglas Fairbanks.
Scénariste puis réalisateur pour la société de production Biograph, D.W. Griffith invente au cours de quelques 450 courts métrages l'abécédaire rhétorique du cinéma - profondeur de champs, gros plan, fondu au noir - passant de la comédie burlesque au western, adaptant aussi bien Edgar Allan Poe que Guy de Maupassant.
Bricoleur de génie, il se trouve vite à l'étroit dans le court métrage. Griffith réalise son premier long métrage, et probablement l'un des tout premier de l'histoire du cinéma, Judith of Bethulia (Judith de Béthulie) en 1913 et invente le montage parallèle, entremêlant plusieurs actions au sein du film. Malgré les dires de certains neurologues qui affirmaient que 90 minutes de projection mettraient en péril l'équilibre du public féminin, cette démonstration rencontre un immense succès. L'année suivante, Griffith enchaîne avec Naissance d'une Nation (The Birth of a Nation), demeuré aujourd'hui un des monuments du cinéma américain. Film sur la guerre de Sécession aux Etats Unis, adapté du roman The Clansman de Thomas Dixon, membre du Ku Klux Klan, il vaut à son créateur d'être accusé de racisme. Blessé, le réalisateur n'aura de cesse de faire oublier la polémique suscité par la projection du film. En réponse à ses détracteurs, il réalise en 1916 : Intolérance. Avec ce film historique en quatre tableaux (la répression des grèves au début du XXe siècle, la passion du Christ, le massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy et la chute de Babylone), Griffith entend montrer une oeuvre de tolérance. Le film aux décors somptueux est un échec financier. En 1918, il dirige sur le front européen Coeurs du monde (Hearts of the world), un mélodrame destiné à remonter le moral des troupes alliées. Considéré comme l'un des premiers exemples de film de propagande, Coeurs du monde témoigne de la fraternité des tranchés entre un soldat blanc et un soldat noir. D.W. Griffith délaisse les grandes fresques pour des films plus intimistes et retrouve avec Le Lys brisé (Broken blossoms) et Pauvre amour ( True heart Susie), tous deux réalisés en 1919, la tendresse et la simplicité de ses premiers courts métrages.
En 1923, il signe un contrat avec la Paramount et tourne deux films avec W.C. Fields : Sally, fille de cirque (Sally of the Swadust et Détresse (That Royle girl). Indépendant, il préfère rompre avec la major company trois ans plus tard et relancer sa propre société : la D.W. Griffith Productions. Il réalise en 1930 son premier film parlant : Abraham Lincoln, une évocation de la vie du 16e président des Etats-Unis célèbre pour avoir aboli l'esclavage en 1865. Hollywood l'oublie peu à peu ; il y tourne son dernier film en 1931, The Struggle et n'y reviendra qu'en tant que consultant ou superviseur pour des productions de la Paramount.

Autres activités

Certains tiennent D.W. Griffith pour l'inventeur d'Hollywood : le mauvais temps qui sévit à New York l'empêche de tourner selon ses besoins, il part en Californie avec son équipe à laquelle appartiennent le chef opérateur Billy Bitzer et les acteurs Lionel Barrymore, Harry Carey, Dorothy et Lilian Gish et Mary Pickord.
En 1919, il participe en compagnie de Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin et Douglas Fairbanks à la création de The United Artists, une société de production qui donne à ses créateurs une certaine liberté de réalisation.




Courts métrages

en tant que : Réalisateur

1908A Calamitous Elopement D.W. Griffith
1908A Smoked Husband D.W. Griffith
1908A Woman's Way D.W. Griffith
1908Adventures of Dollie (The) D.W. Griffith
1908 After Many Years D.W. Griffith
1908An Awful Moment D.W. Griffith
1908Balked at the Altar D.W. Griffith
1908Bandit's Waterloo (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Barbarian Ingomar (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Behind the Scenes D.W. Griffith
1908Betrayed by a Handprint D.W. Griffith
1908Black Viper (The)
La Vipère noire
D.W. Griffith, Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
1908Call of the Wild (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Christmas Burglars (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Clubman and the Tramp (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Concealing a Burglar D.W. Griffith
1908Coney Island Police Court = Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court D.W. Griffith
1908Deceived Slumming Party D.W. Griffith
1908Devil (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Fatal Hour (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Father Gets in the Game D.W. Griffith
1908Feud and the Turkey (The) D.W. Griffith
1908For a Wife's Honor D.W. Griffith
1908For Love of Gold D.W. Griffith
1908Girl and the Outlaw (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Greaser's Gauntlet (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Guerrilla (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Heart of O Yama (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Helping Hand (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Ingrate (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Man and the Woman (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Money Mad
Fou d'argent
D.W. Griffith
1908Mr. Jones at the Ball D.W. Griffith
1908Mrs. Jones Entertains D.W. Griffith
1908Pirate's Gold (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Planter's Wife (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Reckoning (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Red Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Red Man and the Child (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Romance of a Jewess D.W. Griffith
1908Song of the Shirt (The)
Le Chant de la chemise
D.W. Griffith
1908Stolen Jewels (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Taming of the Shrew (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Tavern Keeper's Daughter (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Test of Friendship (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Valet's Wife (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Vaquero's Vow (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Where the Breakers Roar D.W. Griffith
1908Zulu's Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
19091776 or the Hessian Renegades D.W. Griffith
1909A Baby's Shoe D.W. Griffith
1909A Burglar's Mistake D.W. Griffith
1909A Change of Heart D.W. Griffith
1909A Convict's Sacrifice D.W. Griffith
1909A Corner in Wheat D.W. Griffith
1909A Drunkard's Reformation D.W. Griffith
1909A Drunkard's Reformation D.W. Griffith
1909A Fair Exchange D.W. Griffith
1909A Fool's Revenge D.W. Griffith
1909A Midnight Adventure D.W. Griffith
1909A New Trick D.W. Griffith
1909A Rude Hostess D.W. Griffith
1909A Rural Elopement D.W. Griffith
1909A Sound Sleeper D.W. Griffith
1909A Strange Meeting D.W. Griffith
1909A Trap for Santa Claus D.W. Griffith
1909A Troublesome Satchel D.W. Griffith
1909A Wreath in Time D.W. Griffith
1909And a Little Child Shall Lead Them D.W. Griffith
1909At the Altar D.W. Griffith
1909Awakening (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Better Way (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Brahma Diamond (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Broken Locket (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Cardinal's Conspiracy (The) D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1909Children's Friend (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Choosing a Husband D.W. Griffith
1909Comata, the Sioux D.W. Griffith
1909Confidence D.W. Griffith
1909Cord of Life (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Country Doctor (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Cricket on the Hearth (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Criminal Hypnotist (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Curtain Pole (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Death Disc (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Deception (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Drive for a Life (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Eavesdropper (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Edgar Allan Poe D.W. Griffith
1909Eloping with Auntie D.W. Griffith
1909Eradicating Aunty D.W. Griffith
1909Expiation (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Faded Lilies (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Fascinating Mrs. Francis (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Fools of Fate D.W. Griffith
1909French Duel (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Friend of the Family (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Getting Even D.W. Griffith
1909Gibson Goddess (The) D.W. Griffith
1909 Girls and Daddy (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Golden Louis (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Heart of an Outlaw (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Her First Biscuits D.W. Griffith
1909Hindoo Dagger (The) D.W. Griffith
1909His Duty D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1909His Lost Love D.W. Griffith
1909His Ward's Love D.W. Griffith
1909His Wife's Mother D.W. Griffith
1909His Wife's Visitor D.W. Griffith
1909Honor of Thieves (The) D.W. Griffith
1909I Did It, Mamma D.W. Griffith
1909In a Hempen Bag D.W. Griffith
1909In Little Italy D.W. Griffith
1909In Old Kentucky D.W. Griffith
1909In the Watches of the Night D.W. Griffith
1909In the Window Recess D.W. Griffith
1909Indian Runner's Romance (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Jealousy and the Man D.W. Griffith
1909Jilt (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Jones and His New Neighbors D.W. Griffith
1909Jones and the Lady Book Agent D.W. Griffith
1909Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Lady Helen's Escapade D.W. Griffith
1909Leather Stocking D.W. Griffith
1909Light That Came (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Lines of White in a Sullen Sea D.W. Griffith
1909Little Darling (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Little Teacher (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Lonely Villa (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Love Finds a Way D.W. Griffith
1909Lucky Jim D.W. Griffith
1909Lure of the Gown (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Maniac Cook (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Medicine Bottle (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mended Lute (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Message (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mexican Sweethearts (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mills of the Gods (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mountaineer's Honor (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mr. Jones Has a Card Party D.W. Griffith
1909Mr. Jones' Burglar D.W. Griffith
1909Mrs. Jones' Lover = I Want My Hat D.W. Griffith
1909Necklace (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Note in the Shoe (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Nursing a Viper D.W. Griffith
1909Oh, Uncle ! D.W. Griffith
1909One Busy Hour D.W. Griffith
1909One Touch of Nature D.W. Griffith
1909Open Gate (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Peachbasket Hat (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Pippa Passes D.W. Griffith
1909Politician's Love Story (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Pranks D.W. Griffith
1909Prussian Spy (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Redman's View (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Renunciation (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Restoration (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Resurrection D.W. Griffith
1909Road to the Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Roue's Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Sacrifice (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Salvation Army Lass (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade D.W. Griffith
1909Sealed Room (The)
La Chambre scellée
D.W. Griffith
1909Seventh Day (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Slave (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Son's Return (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Suicide Club (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Sweet and Twenty D.W. Griffith
1909Sweet Revenge D.W. Griffith
1909Tender Hearts D.W. Griffith
1909Test (The) D.W. Griffith
1909They Would Elope D.W. Griffith
1909Those Awfull Hats D.W. Griffith
1909Those Boys ! D.W. Griffith
1909Through the Breakers D.W. Griffith
1909Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good D.W. Griffith
1909To Save Her Soul D.W. Griffith
1909Tragic Love D.W. Griffith
1909Trick That Failed (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Trying to Get Arrested D.W. Griffith
1909Twin Brothers D.W. Griffith
1909Two Memories D.W. Griffith
1909Two Women and a Man D.W. Griffith
1909Violin Maker of Cremona (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Voice of the Violin (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Wanted : A Child D.W. Griffith
1909Was Justice Served ? D.W. Griffith
1909Way of Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Welcome Burglar (The) D.W. Griffith
1909What Drink Did D.W. Griffith
1909What's Your Hurry ? D.W. Griffith
1909Winning Coat (The) D.W. Griffith
1909With Her Card D.W. Griffith
1909Wooden Leg (The) D.W. Griffith
1910A Child of the Ghetto D.W. Griffith
1910A Child's Faith D.W. Griffith
1910A Child's Impulse D.W. Griffith
1910A Child's Stratagem D.W. Griffith
1910A Flash of Light D.W. Griffith
1910A Midnight Cupid D.W. Griffith
1910A Mohawk's Way D.W. Griffith
1910A Plain Song D.W. Griffith
1910A Rich Revenge D.W. Griffith
1910A Romance of the Western Hills D.W. Griffith
1910A Salutary Lesson D.W. Griffith
1910A Summer Idyll D.W. Griffith
1910A Victim of Jealousy D.W. Griffith
1910An Affair of Hearts D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1910An Arcadian Maid D.W. Griffith
1910As It Is in Life D.W. Griffith
1910As the Bells Rang Out ! D.W. Griffith
1910Banker's Daughters (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Bill Sharkey's Last Game D.W. Griffith
1910Broken Doll (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Call (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Call to Arms (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Cloister's Touch (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Converts (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Course of True Love (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Dancing Girl of Butte (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Duke's Plan (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Englishman and the Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Examination Day at School D.W. Griffith
1910Face at the Window (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Faithful D.W. Griffith
1910Final Settlement (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Fugitive (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Gold Is Not All D.W. Griffith
1910Gold Seekers (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Golden Supper (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Her Father's Pride D.W. Griffith
1910Her Terrible Ordeal D.W. Griffith
1910His Last Burglary D.W. Griffith
1910His Last Dollar D.W. Griffith
1910His Sister-In-Law D.W. Griffith
1910His Trust D.W. Griffith
1910His Trust Fulfilled D.W. Griffith
1910Honor of His Family (The) D.W. Griffith
1910House with Closed Shutters (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Iconoclast (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Impalement (The) D.W. Griffith
1910In Life's Cycle D.W. Griffith
1910In Old California D.W. Griffith
1910In the Border States
A la frontière des états
D.W. Griffith
1910In the Season of Buds D.W. Griffith
1910Last Deal (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Lesson (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Little Angels of Luck D.W. Griffith
1910Love Among the Roses D.W. Griffith
1910Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Marked Time-Table (The) D.W. Griffith
1910May and December D.W. Griffith
1910Message of the Violin (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Modern Prodigal (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Muggsy Becomes a Hero D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1910Muggsy's First Sweetheart D.W. Griffith
1910Never Again Frank Powell, D.W. Griffith
1910Newlyweds (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Oath and the Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1910On the Reef D.W. Griffith
1910One Night and Then D.W. Griffith
1910Over Silent Paths D.W. Griffith
1910Purgation (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Ramona D.W. Griffith
1910Rocky Road (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Rose o' Salem Town D.W. Griffith
1910Serious Sixteen D.W. Griffith
1910Simple Charity D.W. Griffith
1910Smoker (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Song of the Wildwood Flute (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Sorrows of the Unfaithful (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Sunshine Sue D.W. Griffith
1910Taming a Husband D.W. Griffith
1910That Chink at Golden Gulch D.W. Griffith
1910Thou Shalt Not D.W. Griffith
1910Thread of Destiny (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Twisted Trail (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Two Brothers (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Two Little Waifs D.W. Griffith
1910Unchanging Sea (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Unexpected Help D.W. Griffith
1910Usurer (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Waiter No. 5 D.W. Griffith
1910Way of the World (The) D.W. Griffith
1910What the Daisy Said D.W. Griffith
1910When We Were in Our Teens D.W. Griffith
1910Wilful Peggy D.W. Griffith
1910Winning Back His Love D.W. Griffith
1910Woman from Mellon's (The) D.W. Griffith
1911A Country Cupid D.W. Griffith
1911A Decree of Destiny D.W. Griffith
1911A Knight of the Road D.W. Griffith
1911A Romany Tragedy D.W. Griffith
1911A Smile of a Child D.W. Griffith
1911A Terrible Discovery D.W. Griffith
1911A Woman Scorned D.W. Griffith
1911A Wreath of Orange Blossoms D.W. Griffith
1911Adventures of Billy (The) D.W. Griffith
1911As in a Looking Glass D.W. Griffith
1911Battle (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Blind Princess and the Poet (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Bobby the Coward
Un lâche
D.W. Griffith
1911Broken Cross (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Chief's Daughter (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Conscience D.W. Griffith
1911Crooked Road (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Dan the Dandy D.W. Griffith
1911Diamond Star (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Enoch Arden - Part I D.W. Griffith
1911Enoch Arden - Part II D.W. Griffith
1911Failure (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Fate's Turning D.W. Griffith
1911Fighting Blood D.W. Griffith
1911Fisher Folks D.W. Griffith
1911Flaming Arrows D.W. Griffith
1911Heart Beats of Long Ago D.W. Griffith
1911Heart of a Savage (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Her Awakening D.W. Griffith
1911Her Sacrifice D.W. Griffith
1911His Daughter D.W. Griffith
1911His Mother's Scarf D.W. Griffith
1911How She Triumphed D.W. Griffith
1911In the Days of '49 D.W. Griffith
1911Indian Brothers (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Italian Barber (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Italian Blood D.W. Griffith
1911Jealous Husband (The) D.W. Griffith, Mack Sennett
1911Last Drop of Water (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Lily of the Tenements (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Lonedale Operator (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Long Road (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Love in the Hills D.W. Griffith
1911Madame Rex D.W. Griffith
1911Making of a Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Miser's Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1911New Dress (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Old Confectioner's Mistake (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Out from the Shadow D.W. Griffith
1911Poor Sick Men (The) D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1911Primal Call (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Revenue Man and the Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Rose of Kentucky (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Ruling Passion (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Saved from Himself D.W. Griffith
1911Sorrowful Example (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Spanish Gypsy (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Squaw's Love (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Stuff Heroes Are Made Of (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Sunshine Through the Dark D.W. Griffith
1911Swords and Hearts D.W. Griffith
1911Teaching Dad to Like Her D.W. Griffith
1911Thief and the Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Three Sisters D.W. Griffith
1911Through Darkened Vales D.W. Griffith
1911Trail of Books (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Two Paths (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Two Sides (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Unveiling (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Voice of the Child (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Was He a Coward ? D.W. Griffith
1911What Shall We Do with Our Old ? D.W. Griffith
1911When a Man Loves D.W. Griffith
1911White Rose of the Wilds (The) D.W. Griffith
1912A Beast at Bay D.W. Griffith
1912A Blot on the 'Scutcheon D.W. Griffith
1912A Change of Spirit D.W. Griffith
1912A Child's Remorse D.W. Griffith
1912A Cry for Help D.W. Griffith
1912A Feud in the Kentucky Hills D.W. Griffith
1912A Lodging for the Night D.W. Griffith
1912A Pueblo Legend D.W. Griffith
1912A Siren of Impulse D.W. Griffith
1912A Sister's Love D.W. Griffith
1912A String of Pearls D.W. Griffith
1912A Tale of the Wilderness D.W. Griffith
1912A Temporary Truce D.W. Griffith
1912An Indian Summer D.W. Griffith
1912An Outcast Among Outcasts D.W. Griffith
1912An Unseen Enemy D.W. Griffith
1912Baby and the Stork (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Billy's Stratagem D.W. Griffith
1912Black Sheep D.W. Griffith
1912Blind Love D.W. Griffith
1912Brutality D.W. Griffith
1912Burglar's Dilemma (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Chief's Blanket (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Eternal Mother (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Fate's Interception D.W. Griffith
1912Female of the Species (The) D.W. Griffith
1912For His Son D.W. Griffith
1912Friends D.W. Griffith
1912Girl and Her Trust (The) D.W. Griffith
1912God Within (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Gold and Glitter D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1912Heaven Avenges D.W. Griffith
1912Heredity D.W. Griffith
1912His Lesson D.W. Griffith
1912Home Folks D.W. Griffith
1912In the Aisles of the Wild D.W. Griffith
1912In the North Woods D.W. Griffith
1912Informer (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Inner Circle (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Iola's Promise D.W. Griffith
1912Just Like a Woman D.W. Griffith
1912Lena and the Geese D.W. Griffith
1912Lesser Evil (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Man's Genesis D.W. Griffith
1912Man's Lust for Gold D.W. Griffith
1912Massacre (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Mender of Nets (The)
La Raccomodeuse de filets
D.W. Griffith
1912Musketeers of Pig Alley (The) D.W. Griffith
1912My Baby D.W. Griffith
1912My Hero D.W. Griffith
1912Narrow Road (The) D.W. Griffith
1912New York Hat (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Old Actor (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Old Bookkeeper (The) D.W. Griffith
1912One Is Business, the Other Crime D.W. Griffith
1912One She Loved (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Painted Lady (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Punishment (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Root of Evil (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Sands of Dee (The) D.W. Griffith
1912School Teacher and the Waif (The) D.W. Griffith
1912So Near, Yet so Far D.W. Griffith
1912Spirit Awakened (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Sunbeam (The)
Rayon de soleil
D.W. Griffith
1912Transformation of Mike (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Two Daughters of Eve D.W. Griffith
1912Under Burning Skies D.W. Griffith
1912When Kings Were the Law D.W. Griffith
1912With the Enemy's Help D.W. Griffith
1913A Chance Deception D.W. Griffith
1913A Girl's Stratagem D.W. Griffith
1913A Misappropriated Turkey D.W. Griffith
1913A Misunderstood Boy D.W. Griffith
1913A Modest Hero D.W. Griffith
1913A Timely Interception D.W. Griffith
1913A Welcome Intruder D.W. Griffith
1913A Woman in the Ultimate D.W. Griffith
1913Adopted Brother (The) D.W. Griffith, Christy Cabanne
1913An Adventure in the Autumn Woods D.W. Griffith
1913An Indian's Loyalty D.W. Griffith
1913Battle at Elderbush Gulch (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Broken Ways D.W. Griffith
1913Brothers D.W. Griffith
1913Brute Force D.W. Griffith
1913Coming of Angelo (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Death's Marathon D.W. Griffith
1913Drink's Lure D.W. Griffith
1913During the Round-up D.W. Griffith
1913Enemy's Baby (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Fate D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
1913Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Her Mother's Oath D.W. Griffith
1913Hero of Little Italy (The) D.W. Griffith
1913His Mother's Son D.W. Griffith
1913House of Darkness (The) D.W. Griffith
1913If We Only Knew D.W. Griffith
1913Just Gold D.W. Griffith
1913Lady and the Mouse (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Left-handed Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Little Tease (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Love in an Apartment Hotel D.W. Griffith
1913Madonna of the Storm (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Men and Muslim D.W. Griffith
1913Mistake (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Mothering Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Near to Earth D.W. Griffith
1913Oil and Water D.W. Griffith
1913Perfidy of Mary (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Ranchero's Revenge (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Reformers or The Lost Art of Minding One's Business (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Sheriff's Baby (The) D.W. Griffith
1913So Runs the Way D.W. Griffith
1913Sorrowful Shore (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Stolen Loaf D.W. Griffith
1913Telephone Girl and the Lady (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Tender Hearted Boy (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Three Friends D.W. Griffith
1913Two Men of the Desert D.W. Griffith
1913Unwelcome Guest (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Wanderer (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Well (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Yaqui Cur (The) D.W. Griffith
1914Battle of the Sexes (The) D.W. Griffith
1914Home, Sweet Home D.W. Griffith
1914Man's Enemy D.W. Griffith
1916A Day with Governor Whitman D.W. Griffith, George Siegmann
1918Liberty Bond Short D.W. Griffith
1918Lillian Gish in a Liberty Loan Appeal D.W. Griffith
1919World at Columbus (The) D.W. Griffith
1923Mammy's Boy D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Superviseur de la réalisation

1908Fight for Freedom (The) Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
1909Day After (The) Frank Powell
1910Tenderfoot's Triumph (The) Frank Powell
1913Conscience of Hassan Bey (The) Christy Cabanne
1913House of Discord (The) James Kirkwood
1913In Diplomatic Circles Anthony O'Sullivan
1913Influence of the Unknown Christy Cabanne
1913Moths Lawrence Marston
1913Sapho = Sappho Lucius Henderson
1913Strongheart James Kirkwood
1913Switch Tower (The) Anthony O'Sullivan
1914A Fair Rebel Paul Powell
1914Classmates James Kirkwood
1914Dishonored Medal (The) William Christy Cabanne
1914Floor Above (The) James Kirkwood
1914For Her Father's Sins John B. O'Brien
1914For Those Unborn Christy Cabanne
1914Frou Frou Eugene Moore
1914Gangsters = The Gangsters of New York (The) James Kirkwood
1914Great Leap (The) William Christy Cabanne
1914Her Awakening Christy Cabanne
1914Liberty Belles Dell Henderson
1914Little Country Mouse (The) Jack O'Brien
1914Men and Women James Kirkwood
1914Mountain Rat (The) James Kirkwood
1914Odalisque (The) Christy Cabanne
1914Old Maid = Dorothy in the Garret (The) John B. O'Brien
1914Paid with Interest Edgar Lewis
1914Painted Lady (The) Frederick Sullivan
1914Ruy Blas Lucius Henderson
1914Second Mrs. Roebuck (The) Jack O'Brien, William Christy Cabanne
1914Silent Sandy James Kirkwood
1914Soul of Honor (The) James Kirkwood
1915 Betty of Greystone Allan Dwan
1915 Cross Currents Francis J. Grandon
1915 Daphne and the Pirate Christy Cabanne
1915 Don Quixote
Les Aventures de Don Quichotte
Edward Dillon
1915 Double Trouble Christy Cabanne
1915Enoch Arden Christy Cabanne
1915 Flying Torpedo (The) Jack O'Brien, Christy Cabanne
1915Ghosts George Nichols, John Emerson
1915Home from the Sea Raoul Walsh
1915 Jordan is a Hard Road Allan Dwan
1915 Lamb (The)
Le Timide
Christy Cabanne
1915 Let Katie Do It Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1915 Lily and the Rose (The) Paul Powell
1915 Missing Links (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Old Heidelberg John Emerson
1915 Penitentes (The) Jack Conway
1915 Pillars of Society Raoul Walsh, George Nicholls
1915 Sable Lorcha (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Sunshine Dad Edward Dillon
1915 Wood Nymph (The) Paul Powell
1916 A Child of the Paris Streets Lloyd Ingraham
1916 A Sister of Six Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1916 Acquitted Paul Powell
1916 American Aristocracy
Parvenus américains
Lloyd Ingraham
1916 An Innocent Magdalene
Les Parents fautent, les enfants paient
Allan Dwan
1916 Atta Boy's Last Race George Siegmann
1916 Casey at the Bat Lloyd Ingraham
1916 Children in the House (The)
Le Mystérieux caissier
Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1916 Children of the Feud Joseph Henabery
1916 Children Pay (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1916 Devil's Needle Chester Withey
1916 Diane of the Follies Christy Cabanne
1916 Fifty-fifty Allan Dwan
1916 Flirting with Fate Christy Cabanne
1916 Good Bad Man (The)
Les Parias de la vie
Allan Dwan
1916 Gretchen the Greenhorn Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1916 Habit of Happiness (The) Allan Dwan
1916 Half-Breed (The)
Le Métis
Allan Dwan
1916 Heiress at Coffee Dan's (The) Edward Dillon
1916 Hell-to-pay Austin Paul Powell
1916 House Built upon Sand (The) Edward Morrissey
1916 Little Liar (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1916 Little Meena's Romance Paul Powell
1916 Little School Ma'am Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1916 Little Yank (The) George Siegmann
1916 Manhattan Madness (The)
Une aventure à New York
Allan Dwan
1916 Marriage of Molly-O (The) Paul Powell
1916 Martha's Vindication Chester M. Franklin, Sidney A. Franklin
1916 Matrimaniac (The) Paul Powell
1916 Microscope Mystery (The) Paul Powell
1916 Mr. Goode, Samaritan Edward Dillon
1916 Mystery of the Leaping Fish (The) John Emerson
1916 Old Folks at Home (The) Chester Withey
1916Pathways of Life Christy Cabanne
1916 Price of Power (The) Anonyme
1916 Reggie Mixes In
Un terrible adversaire
W. Christy Cabanne
1916 Rummy (The) Paul Powell
1916 Social Secretary (The) John Emerson
1916 Sold for Marriage Christy Cabanne
1916 Stranded Lloyd Ingraham
1916 Susan Rocks the Boat Paul Powell
1916 Wharf Rat (The) Chester Withey
1916 Wild Girl of the Sierras (The) Paul Powell
1917 A Daughter of the Poor Edward Dillon
1917 A Woman's Awakening Chester Withey
1917 An Old Fashioned Young Man Lloyd Ingraham
1917 Bad Boy (The) Chester Withey
1917 Betsy's Burglar Paul Powell
1917 Girl of the Timber Claims (The) Paul Powell
1917 Her Official Fathers Elmer Clifton, Joseph Henabery
1917 Might and the Man Edward Dillon
1917 Nina, the Flower Girl Lloyd Ingraham
1917 Stage Struck Edward Morrissey
1918Hun within (The)
Bas les masques
Chester Withey

en tant que : Scénariste

1908'Ostler Joe Wallace McCutcheon
1908A Calamitous Elopement D.W. Griffith
1908A Smoked Husband D.W. Griffith
1908A Woman's Way D.W. Griffith
1908An Awful Moment D.W. Griffith
1908At the Crossroads of Life Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
1908Balked at the Altar D.W. Griffith
1908Bandit's Waterloo (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Barbarian Ingomar (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Behind the Scenes D.W. Griffith
1908Betrayed by a Handprint D.W. Griffith
1908Call of the Wild (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Christmas Burglars (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Clubman and the Tramp (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Concealing a Burglar D.W. Griffith
1908Devil (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Fatal Hour (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Father Gets in the Game D.W. Griffith
1908Feud and the Turkey (The) D.W. Griffith
1908For a Wife's Honor D.W. Griffith
1908For Love of Gold D.W. Griffith
1908Girl and the Outlaw (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Greaser's Gauntlet (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Guerrilla (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Heart of O Yama (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Helping Hand (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Ingrate (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Man and the Woman (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Mixed Babies Wallace McCutcheon
1908Money Mad
Fou d'argent
D.W. Griffith
1908Mr. Jones at the Ball D.W. Griffith
1908Mrs. Jones Entertains D.W. Griffith
1908Music Master (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker Wallace McCutcheon
1908Outlaw (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Pirate's Gold (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Planter's Wife (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Reckoning (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Red Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Red Man and the Child (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Romance of a Jewess D.W. Griffith
1908Song of the Shirt (The)
Le Chant de la chemise
D.W. Griffith
1908Stage Rustler (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Stolen Jewels (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Taming of the Shrew (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Test of Friendship (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Valet's Wife (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Vaquero's Vow (The) D.W. Griffith
1908When Knights Were Bold Wallace McCutcheon
1908Where the Breakers Roar D.W. Griffith
1908Zulu's Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
19091776 or the Hessian Renegades D.W. Griffith
1909A Baby's Shoe D.W. Griffith
1909A Burglar's Mistake D.W. Griffith
1909A Convict's Sacrifice D.W. Griffith
1909A Corner in Wheat D.W. Griffith
1909A Drunkard's Reformation D.W. Griffith
1909A Fool's Revenge D.W. Griffith
1909A Midnight Adventure D.W. Griffith
1909A New Trick D.W. Griffith
1909A Rude Hostess D.W. Griffith
1909A Rural Elopement D.W. Griffith
1909A Sound Sleeper D.W. Griffith
1909A Strange Meeting D.W. Griffith
1909A Trap for Santa Claus D.W. Griffith
1909A Wreath in Time D.W. Griffith
1909And a Little Child Shall Lead Them D.W. Griffith
1909At the Altar D.W. Griffith
1909Brahma Diamond (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Broken Locket (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Children's Friend (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Choosing a Husband D.W. Griffith
1909Confidence D.W. Griffith
1909Cord of Life (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Country Doctor (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Criminal Hypnotist (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Curtain Pole (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Drive for a Life (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Eavesdropper (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Edgar Allan Poe D.W. Griffith
1909Eloping with Auntie D.W. Griffith
1909Eradicating Aunty D.W. Griffith
1909Expiation (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Faded Lilies (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Fascinating Mrs. Francis (The) D.W. Griffith
1909French Duel (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Friend of the Family (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Getting Even D.W. Griffith
1909Gibson Goddess (The) D.W. Griffith
1909 Girls and Daddy (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Golden Louis (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Her First Biscuits D.W. Griffith
1909Hindoo Dagger (The) D.W. Griffith
1909His Lost Love D.W. Griffith
1909His Ward's Love D.W. Griffith
1909His Wife's Mother D.W. Griffith
1909His Wife's Visitor D.W. Griffith
1909Honor of Thieves (The) D.W. Griffith
1909I Did It, Mamma D.W. Griffith
1909In a Hempen Bag D.W. Griffith
1909In the Watches of the Night D.W. Griffith
1909Jealousy and the Man D.W. Griffith
1909Jilt (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Jones and His New Neighbors D.W. Griffith
1909Jones and the Lady Book Agent D.W. Griffith
1909Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Light That Came (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Lines of White in a Sullen Sea D.W. Griffith
1909Little Darling (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Love Finds a Way D.W. Griffith
1909Lure of the Gown (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Maniac Cook (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Medicine Bottle (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mexican Sweethearts (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mills of the Gods (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mountaineer's Honor (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Mr. Jones Has a Card Party D.W. Griffith
1909Mr. Jones' Burglar D.W. Griffith
1909Mrs. Jones' Lover = I Want My Hat D.W. Griffith
1909Note in the Shoe (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Nursing a Viper D.W. Griffith
1909Oh, Uncle ! D.W. Griffith
1909One Busy Hour D.W. Griffith
1909Open Gate (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Peachbasket Hat (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Pippa Passes D.W. Griffith
1909Politician's Love Story (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Prussian Spy (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Renunciation (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Restoration (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Road to the Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Roue's Heart (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Sacrifice (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Salvation Army Lass (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade D.W. Griffith
1909Seventh Day (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Slave (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Son's Return (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Sweet Revenge D.W. Griffith
1909Tender Hearts D.W. Griffith
1909Test (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Those Awfull Hats D.W. Griffith
1909Those Boys ! D.W. Griffith
1909Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good D.W. Griffith
1909To Save Her Soul D.W. Griffith
1909Tragic Love D.W. Griffith
1909Trying to Get Arrested D.W. Griffith
1909Two Memories D.W. Griffith
1909Two Women and a Man D.W. Griffith
1909Voice of the Violin (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Wanted : A Child D.W. Griffith
1909Was Justice Served ? D.W. Griffith
1909Way of Man (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Welcome Burglar (The) D.W. Griffith
1909What Drink Did D.W. Griffith
1909What's Your Hurry ? D.W. Griffith
1909Winning Coat (The) D.W. Griffith
1909With Her Card D.W. Griffith
1909Wooden Leg (The) D.W. Griffith
1910A Midnight Cupid D.W. Griffith
1910Call (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Dancing Girl of Butte (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Duke's Plan (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Englishman and the Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Her Terrible Ordeal D.W. Griffith
1910Last Deal (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Never Again Frank Powell, D.W. Griffith
1910Newlyweds (The) D.W. Griffith
1910On the Reef D.W. Griffith
1910One Night and Then D.W. Griffith
1910Ramona D.W. Griffith
1910Rocky Road (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Unchanging Sea (The) D.W. Griffith
1910Woman from Mellon's (The) D.W. Griffith
1911Italian Barber (The) D.W. Griffith
1912A Change of Spirit D.W. Griffith
1912A Feud in the Kentucky Hills D.W. Griffith
1912A Pueblo Legend D.W. Griffith
1912Brutality D.W. Griffith
1912Eternal Mother (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Friends D.W. Griffith
1912Man's Genesis D.W. Griffith
1912Massacre (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Musketeers of Pig Alley (The) D.W. Griffith
1912My Hero D.W. Griffith
1912Painted Lady (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Spirit Awakened (The) D.W. Griffith
1912When Kings Were the Law D.W. Griffith
1913Battle at Elderbush Gulch (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Coming of Angelo (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Her Mother's Oath D.W. Griffith
1913Just Gold D.W. Griffith
1913Lady and the Mouse (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Little Tease (The) D.W. Griffith
1913Wanderer (The) D.W. Griffith
1914Home, Sweet Home D.W. Griffith
1915 Daphne and the Pirate Christy Cabanne
1915Enoch Arden Christy Cabanne
1915 Lily and the Rose (The) Paul Powell
1915 Missing Links (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Pillars of Society Raoul Walsh, George Nicholls
1916 Diane of the Follies Christy Cabanne
1916 Marriage of Molly-O (The) Paul Powell
1918Hun within (The)
Bas les masques
Chester Withey
1918Lillian Gish in a Liberty Loan Appeal D.W. Griffith
1923Mammy's Boy D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Auteur de l'oeuvre originale

1910Thread of Destiny (The) D.W. Griffith
1915 Daphne and the Pirate Christy Cabanne
1915 Lamb (The)
Le Timide
Christy Cabanne
1915 Let Katie Do It Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1915 Lily and the Rose (The) Paul Powell
1915 Missing Links (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Wood Nymph (The) Paul Powell
1916 An Innocent Magdalene
Les Parents fautent, les enfants paient
Allan Dwan
1916 Habit of Happiness (The) Allan Dwan
1916 Mystery of the Leaping Fish (The) John Emerson

en tant que : Producteur

1914Dishonored Medal (The) William Christy Cabanne
1914Floor Above (The) James Kirkwood
1914Gangsters = The Gangsters of New York (The) James Kirkwood
1914Great Leap (The) William Christy Cabanne
1915 Betty of Greystone Allan Dwan
1915Captain Macklin John B. O'Brien
1915 Cross Currents Francis J. Grandon
1915 Don Quixote
Les Aventures de Don Quichotte
Edward Dillon
1915 Double Trouble Christy Cabanne
1915Enoch Arden Christy Cabanne
1915 Flying Torpedo (The) Jack O'Brien, Christy Cabanne
1915Ghosts George Nichols, John Emerson
1915 Jordan is a Hard Road Allan Dwan
1915 Lamb (The)
Le Timide
Christy Cabanne
1915 Let Katie Do It Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1915 Lily and the Rose (The) Paul Powell
1915 Missing Links (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Old Heidelberg John Emerson
1915 Penitentes (The) Jack Conway
1915 Sable Lorcha (The) Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Wood Nymph (The) Paul Powell
1916A Day with Governor Whitman D.W. Griffith, George Siegmann
1916 Fifty-fifty Allan Dwan
1916 Half-Breed (The)
Le Métis
Allan Dwan
1916 Little Meena's Romance Paul Powell
1916 Social Secretary (The) John Emerson
1916 Susan Rocks the Boat Paul Powell
1918Battling Jane Elmer Clifton
1918Hope Chest (The) Elmer Clifton
1918Hun within (The)
Bas les masques
Chester Withey
1918Lillian Gish in a Liberty Loan Appeal D.W. Griffith
1919Boots Elmer Clifton
1919I'll Get Him Yet Elmer Clifton
1919Mary Ellen Comes to Town Elmer Clifton
1919Nobody Home Elmer Clifton
1919Nugget Nell Elmer Clifton
1919Peppy Polly Elmer Clifton
1919Turning the Tables Elmer Clifton
1919World at Columbus (The) D.W. Griffith
1920Flying Pat F. Richard Jones
1920Ghost in the Garret (The) F. Richard Jones
1920Little Miss Rebellion
Le Petit démon
George Fawcett
1920Remodeling Her Husband Lillian Gish
1922Country Flapper (The) F. Richard Jones

en tant que : Directeur de la photographie

1909Heart of an Outlaw (The) D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Interprète

1908'Ostler Joe Wallace McCutcheon
1908A Calamitous Elopement D.W. Griffith
1908A Close Call Mack Sennett
1908A Famous Escape Wallace McCutcheon
1908At the Crossroads of Life Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
1908At the French Ball Wallace McCutcheon
1908Balked at the Altar D.W. Griffith
1908Barbarian Ingomar (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Black Viper (The)
La Vipère noire
D.W. Griffith, Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
1908Caught by Wireless Wallace McCutcheon
1908Classmates Wallace McCutcheon
1908Cupid's Pranks J. Searle Dawley
1908Deceived Slumming Party D.W. Griffith
1908Devil (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Falsely Accused ! Anonyme
1908Fatal Hour (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Heart of O Yama (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Her First Adventure Wallace McCutcheon
1908Hulda's Lovers Wallace McCutcheon
1908Invisible Fluid (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Kentuckian (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908King of the Cannibal Islands (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908King's Messenger (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Man in the Box (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Music Master (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker Wallace McCutcheon
1908Princess in the Vase (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Professional Jealousy Anonyme
1908Red Girl (The) D.W. Griffith
1908Rescued from an Eagle's Nest
Le Nid de l'aigle
Edwin S. Porter, J. Searle Dawley
1908Sculptor's Nightmare (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Stage Rustler (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1908Stolen Jewels (The) D.W. Griffith
1908When Knights Were Bold Wallace McCutcheon
1908Yellow Peril (The) Wallace McCutcheon
1909At the Altar D.W. Griffith
1909 Girls and Daddy (The) D.W. Griffith
1909Politician's Love Story (The) D.W. Griffith
1912Helen's Marriage Mack Sennett
1912Two Daughters of Eve D.W. Griffith
1914His Lesson George Siegmann
1915Enoch Arden Christy Cabanne
1918How Stars Twinkle Away from the Studios Anonyme
1920Screen Snapshots Series 1 n° 13 Anonyme
1921Screen Snapshots Series 1 n° 20 Anonyme
1930Filmed Prologue to Birth of a Nation Anonyme

Longs métrages

en tant que : Réalisateur

1913Judith of Bethulia D.W. Griffith
1914Avenging Conscience, or thou Shalt not Kill (The) D.W. Griffith
1914 Birth of a Nation (The)
Naissance d'une nation
D.W. Griffith
1914Escape (The) David W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
1918Great Love (The)
Le Grand amour
D.W. Griffith
1918Greatest Thing in Life (The)
Une fleur dans les ruines
D.W. Griffith
1918 Hearts of the World
Coeurs du monde
D.W. Griffith
1919A Romance of Happy Valley
Le Roman de la vallée heureuse
D.W. Griffith
1919 Broken Blossoms
Le Lys brisé
D.W. Griffith
1919Fall of Babylon (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Girl Who Stayed at Home (The)
Dans la tourmente
D.W. Griffith
1919Greatest Question (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Mother and the Law (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Scarlet Days D.W. Griffith
1919 True Heart Susie
Le Pauvre amour
D.W. Griffith
1920Idol Dancer (The) D.W. Griffith
1920Love Flower (The)
La Fleur d'amour
D.W. Griffith
1920 Way Down East
A travers l'orage
D.W. Griffith
1921Dream Street
La Rue des rêves
D.W. Griffith
1921Orphans of the Storm
Les Deux orphelines
D.W. Griffith
1922One Exciting Night
La Nuit mystérieuse
D.W. Griffith
1923 Sally of the Sawdust
Sally, fille de cirque
D.W. Griffith
1923White Rose (The)
La Rose blanche
D.W. Griffith
1924 America
Pour l'indépendance
D.W. Griffith
1924 Isn't Life Wonderful D.W. Griffith
1925That Royle Girl
D.W. Griffith
1926Sorrows of Satan (The) D.W. Griffith
1927Topsy and Eva Del Lord, D.W. Griffith, Lois Weber
1928 Battle of the Sexes (The)
L'Eternel problème
D.W. Griffith
1928Drums of Love = Sentimental Tommy D.W. Griffith
1929Lady of the Pavements
Le Lys du faubourg
D.W. Griffith
1930Abraham Lincoln D.W. Griffith
1931 Struggle (The)
D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Superviseur de la réalisation

1914Dope Herman Lieb
1914 Life of General Villa (The) Raoul Walsh, William Christy Cabanne
1915 Hoodoo Ann Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Martyrs of the Alamo (The) Christy Cabanne
1916 Americano (The) John Emerson
1916 Going Straight Sidney A. Franklin, Chester M. Franklin
1916 His Picture in the Papers John Emerson
1916 Macbeth John Emerson

en tant que : Scénariste

1914Avenging Conscience, or thou Shalt not Kill (The) D.W. Griffith
1914 Birth of a Nation (The)
Naissance d'une nation
D.W. Griffith
1914Escape (The) David W. Griffith
1915 Hoodoo Ann Lloyd Ingraham
D.W. Griffith
1918 Hearts of the World
Coeurs du monde
D.W. Griffith
1919A Romance of Happy Valley
Le Roman de la vallée heureuse
D.W. Griffith
1919 Broken Blossoms
Le Lys brisé
D.W. Griffith
1919Fall of Babylon (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Girl Who Stayed at Home (The)
Dans la tourmente
D.W. Griffith
1919Mother and the Law (The) D.W. Griffith
1920Love Flower (The)
La Fleur d'amour
D.W. Griffith
1921Dream Street
La Rue des rêves
D.W. Griffith
1921Orphans of the Storm
Les Deux orphelines
D.W. Griffith
1922One Exciting Night
La Nuit mystérieuse
D.W. Griffith
1923White Rose (The)
La Rose blanche
D.W. Griffith
1924 Isn't Life Wonderful D.W. Griffith
1930Abraham Lincoln D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Auteur de l'oeuvre originale

1919Mother and the Law (The) D.W. Griffith
1922One Exciting Night
La Nuit mystérieuse
D.W. Griffith
1928 Battle of the Sexes (The)
L'Eternel problème
D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Adaptateur

1920 Way Down East
A travers l'orage
D.W. Griffith
1931 Struggle (The)
D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Producteur

1914Avenging Conscience, or thou Shalt not Kill (The) D.W. Griffith
1914 Birth of a Nation (The)
Naissance d'une nation
D.W. Griffith
1914 Life of General Villa (The) Raoul Walsh, William Christy Cabanne
1915 Hoodoo Ann Lloyd Ingraham
1915 Martyrs of the Alamo (The) Christy Cabanne
D.W. Griffith
1916 Macbeth John Emerson
1918Great Love (The)
Le Grand amour
D.W. Griffith
1918Greatest Thing in Life (The)
Une fleur dans les ruines
D.W. Griffith
1918 Hearts of the World
Coeurs du monde
D.W. Griffith
1919A Romance of Happy Valley
Le Roman de la vallée heureuse
D.W. Griffith
1919 Broken Blossoms
Le Lys brisé
D.W. Griffith
1919Fall of Babylon (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Girl Who Stayed at Home (The)
Dans la tourmente
D.W. Griffith
1919Greatest Question (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Mother and the Law (The) D.W. Griffith
1919Scarlet Days D.W. Griffith
1919 True Heart Susie
Le Pauvre amour
D.W. Griffith
1920Love Flower (The)
La Fleur d'amour
D.W. Griffith
1920Romance Chester Withey
1920 Way Down East
A travers l'orage
D.W. Griffith
1921Dream Street
La Rue des rêves
D.W. Griffith
1921Orphans of the Storm
Les Deux orphelines
D.W. Griffith
1923 Sally of the Sawdust
Sally, fille de cirque
D.W. Griffith
1923White Rose (The)
La Rose blanche
D.W. Griffith
1924 America
Pour l'indépendance
D.W. Griffith
1924 Isn't Life Wonderful D.W. Griffith
1926Sorrows of Satan (The) D.W. Griffith
1928Drums of Love = Sentimental Tommy D.W. Griffith
1931 Struggle (The)
D.W. Griffith
1940One Million BC Hal Roach Jr., Hal Roach

en tant que : Compositeur de la musique originale

1914 Birth of a Nation (The)
Naissance d'une nation
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
1918 Hearts of the World
Coeurs du monde
D.W. Griffith
1919 Broken Blossoms
Le Lys brisé
D.W. Griffith
1931 Struggle (The)
D.W. Griffith

en tant que : Monteur

1927Topsy and Eva Del Lord, D.W. Griffith, Lois Weber

en tant que : Interprète

1918Great Love (The)
Le Grand amour
D.W. Griffith